Battery Sungrow SBH Battery System Parts incl. Switchgear/Cover/Base (SBH Accessory for 5kWh)

SKU SBH Accessory for 5kWh

Sungrow battery modules are cutting-edge energy storage solutions designed to complement solar power systems. These modules offer high efficiency, long lifespan, and robust performance, ensuring reliable energy storage and usage. With advanced safety features and smart management systems, Sungrow battery modules provide seamless integration with solar installations, enabling users to maximize energy independence and reduce reliance on the grid. Ideal for both residential and commercial applications, these battery modules are engineered to deliver consistent and sustainable energy storage, supporting the growing demand for renewable energy solutions.

Product Dimensions and Packing Information

80*44*40cm @ 25kg Pallet (4) 90*80*95cm @ 100kg

Manufacturer SKU

SBH Accessory for 5kWh

Warranty Documents

Install Manual